Kurzfilmperlen „Natur & Umwelt“ Teil II

Kurzfilmperlen "Natur & Umwelt" Teil II


17:00 – 20:30



Film Regie Produktionsland Filmlänge
Brief History of Humanity Paulo Ferreira PT 06:00
The Bird in my Backyard Ryan Wilkes CA 19:25
The Island Mamut Tas TR 05:00
Sandcastle Roman Willi CH 12:12
The Last Drop Art Gonzlo MX 21:30
Stewards of the Land Thomas Wavid Johns, William Hartsock US 06:37
Above and Below – Costa Rica Antonia Ackermanns NL 04:00
Konstantinus’ Legacy Daniel Bichsel DE 05:57
Creatures of the Kaleidoscope Hannah Alexander GB 18:25
Within the Fence Line Jannis Rothermel DE 26:43
An Epic Journey Benjamin Soto, Ana Guzmán EC 23:00
The Call of the forest Adlai Salcedo CO/CA 10:00
The Victoria Falls and their Wild Elephants Axel Gomille DE 15:00