
Villa Clementine

The Villa Clementine is now another venue for the NATOURALE 24 in Wiesbaden. We can already promise two exciting events in this beautiful historic building. We will report more about this soon.

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Deadline update

Due to the large number of film submissions we have already received, we have shortened the deadline by one month. The end of the submission period is now September 1st 2024.

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The Jury

We welcome Nora Sophie Griefahn as a new member of our jury. As an environmental scientist, she is concerned with the sustainable use of finite resources and the need for material-healthy and recyclable products.

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German Language

The German Language Society (GfdS) is endowing the special award for films with a German language version with 3,000 euros. The prize money will be divided among three winners.

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Destination Canada

They have been good friends of the festival for a long time and now they are also supporters. We welcome “Destination Canada” to our strong team.

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Good news

NATOURALE founder Andreas Ewels received the Green Hero Award. Honored by the United Nations Global Network and the BNP Paribas Green Film Festival.

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What wonderful days with fantastic filmmakers from all over the world. You can already find photos on our two Facebook pages and a film will follow on our YouTube channel!

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The suspense is rising!

The jury is making the final decisions these days. All award winners will be announced on December 3rd in the Kurhaus Wiesbaden. We look forward to seeing you!

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